Cattolica, Province of Rimini, Italy
entertainment - dining-room
I would like to obtain an informal but sophisticated elegant and warm ambience since this dinner room has a big glasswall on the seaside - room is inserted into an hotel with colonial-style external facades - dinner floor has ceramic tiles with linear wooded appearance (140cmx20cm each disposed long side of tile parrallel to seasidewall - colour walnut ) - I would like to do something on the perimeter walls to enrich and transform the entire ambiance - - (rooftop is made of gypsum panels 60x60 non transformable, should remain as it is) - lateral walls eastern and western side are very thin (10cm) so they cannot sustain heavy weights - ceiling could be repainted not more - Tables shown in drawing are about as actually disposed, but their disposition is not fix, notice the dinner rrom should give seating to max 98 persons, with preference to giving most of them the best view to the glass-wall facing to the beach and sea - anyway I am interested in enriching the walls and their appearance the most. reference pics are just as example to display liked athmospheres and materials but am open to any good idea
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