
housing - small-apt

Zlata Golaboska

  • architect
  • Belgrade, Serbia
Project description

While designing this concept, we wanted to create more different spaces united in one yard. Near the entrance, we decided to place the shower and after there is two paths, one that leads to a wooden cage for relaxing and other that leads to dining zone that is divided with custom made panel 3d mesh filled with planted blocks. This is planned to be placed on rail construction, so this module can be moved and recreated new scenarios. Lounge zone is integrated with bbq and its closer to the house because we thought that it is important to be nearer to the main indoor kitchen. Wooden cage for relaxing is covered with wooden construction and removable waterproof textile. This zone is replica to the indoor living room and that is why we decided to bookmark that concept with a cozy outdoor rug.
The garden is organized in zones....
The lounge area is in the most intimate part of the garden, designed as semitransparent wooden pergola which serves as both vertical garden and shade from the southern sun. the adjustable roof can serve as protection from rain while sitting outside.
The cooking and dining area is located close to the house and it is divides from the other part of the garden with flexible wall that serves as vertical garden. The location of the vertical garden, and also the raised garden beds next to the outdoor kitchen is suitable for gardening herbs and vegetables.
the shower area is close to the path from the street to the house.

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