
housing - small-apt

  • interior designer
  • ,
Project description

Dear Client,
in this project we propose a very large and opened area and a smaller area which is the private one. The bathroom is located in the middle of them.
When you get into the apartament, the first room you find is the walk-in closet that gets you into the bedroom, so privacy is guaranteed.
The next door belongs to the bathroom, which contains a linen closet and a laundry closet where you can also put brooms, vacuum cleaner etc.. We propose a window in the wall between the kitchen and the bathroom to permit natural light to come in, and a sliding door to permit direct access from the bedroom.
In the corridor there is also a wardrobe near the entrance.
Then you arrive to a large and bright open space that is organised by functions given just by the forniture; moreover kitchen's layout lets you interact with people while you are cooking, the dining table is extensible up to twelwe seats and the sofa is flexible: you can move the backs to create the configuration you prefer.
Besides, we have inserted big bookcases and wall-fixed shelves containing six drawers (the orange ones). So there is a lot of place for books, TV, stereo, etc.... even though the space remains light and opened.
We hope you like our project.

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