
Flat Renovation - Milan

Milan, Lombardy, Italy

housing - medium-apt

Elena Pellegrini

  • architect
  • Modena, Italy
Project description

The apartment comes already
with a good functional structure: the sleeping area is separated from the
living area, the flat boasts excellent brightness, pillars don't invade the interior design, the services, even if in
excess, are arranged with criterion. The proposal aims to promote
what is positive in the home and to eliminate anything that does not contribute
to global unit of the apartment, decreasing the unused spaces in favor of
better management of internal flows, increasing the flexibility of use spaces. The project seeks to affect as
little as possible on the attacks of existing technology: in fact, the water
system remains the same as before such as the gas and wastewater. Demolitions
and reconstructions are punctual, able to give more dynamism and quality of
spaces. Restructuring costs, have
considered the use of the best materials. Entrance is marked by a suspended ceiling decorated with
recessed spotlights. The living room opens to the
kitchen and takes full advantage of the light coming from the outside, from the
south and north. The kitchen opens to he living
area and her composition becomes a central meeting point. The wall that divides the
study/relax area from the living area is the scene of the dining room,
enhancing its quality. The retention of the two main
baths with windows offers healthy environment. In a that big flat would be a
waste to have one bath with forced ventilation. With the decrease the surface
of hallway all the bedrooms were expanded, improving their living spaces. The guest room, if necessary,
can be isolated from the rest of flat to ensuring maximum privacy. The laundry is derived from
the bath without window.

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