Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Residential - Apartment
The interior of the house has 2 clear zoning division:
a. Living zone facing the street
b. Sleeping zone facing the internal courtyard on the right side (bathrooms are also located here).
The 2 new bathrooms are adjacent to each other, therefore can share the plumbing / sewer system. One bathroom is an ensuite bath for master bedroom and has window. The other bath serves as 2nd bath and lavanderia with small sink, and the guests can access this as well.
Majority of the interior is dominantly white, with some wooden and cement accent here and there. This is to create a bright and spacious ambiance.
Kitchen / cucina is located next to the big balcony, so you can also have outdoor dining there. There is a wide partition door in between living room and kitchen, which can be open daily and close off if somebody is cooking (to secure the smells and smoke).
Thank you for this opportunity and hope our design proposal will give you with lots of fresh ideas.