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housing - small-apt

BCarchitetturaedesign BCarchitetturaedesign

  • architect
  • Firenze, Italia
Project description

The project seeks to answer all customer requests. Our intent is to create a welcoming environment close to the group's philosophy. The main materials used are wood and metal. All decoration follows the customer's demands, dark furniture aged wood and rusted steel. We have included parts in ceramic tiles (cement tiles). Completing the style is the back wall covered with various types of wood and with a picture of a cow made from bottle bottoms of beer. This figure combines the two main elements of the local menus meat and beer. The lighting is produced by bulbs vintage style, Most of furniture is custom made, the bar counter, wood, marble and ceramic, wooden tables and iron, the gateway to the kitchen. As for the sessions we have chosen the Thonet, because they are in line with the style of the room.

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