
Casa Hi-Tech

Pordenone, PN, Italia

Residential - Apartment

Abbas Habibi

  • architect
  • Istanbul , Turkey
Project description

Dear Client,
We are very happy to have participated in your contest.
We believe that apart from all the uses that a house can have, the main feature of a house is its nature as a place to live and relax.
Considering this, our main challenge in this contest was to maintain the nature of the apartment as a home even with a desk and a cinema room.
Considering your need to have a large desk facing the video projector (in the middle of the living room), we thought of having a two-view desk with a combination of several tables and shelves, which can be rotated to have a large desk facing the video projector, and also by rotating the table to face the wall, the table can be turned into an element with the appearance of a sideboard to have more open space in the living room for use.
We chose the cinema room furniture in such a way that it can be arranged as cinema seats and an L-shaped sofa, which can be used as both a cinema room and a large living room (you can watch movies with two sofa arrangements).
We also offered two different colors for the cinema room furniture.
We covered the walls of the cinema room with wood veneer to absorb sound and prevent sound reflections while watching movies and create a feeling close to a real cinema for you.
We placed the dining table in the kitchen so that there is proper access between them.
We arranged the kitchen in such a way that while both are in the same room, we also create a sense of separation between the two.
We provided a TV and a massage chair in the bedroom to transform your bedroom into a space for you to relax after a day of work.
If you have any questions or changes, you can email us for free.

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