66015 Fara San Martino, Province of Chieti, Italy
Residential - Living/Sleeping Area
Dear Client,
First of all, I would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to participate in this project. After carefully considering your needs, requests, limitations, and the current situation of the building, we have identified some keywords that have led our design process. Our aim was to design a very optimized and standard B&B residence that follows universal hotel standards. We have made it our priority to respect these standards and make them the core of our design.
We have proposed four alternatives for the ground floor and three alternatives for the first floor, each with different plans. You will have the flexibility to choose one of these options, or combine them based on your needs, budget, restrictions, and any other requirements you may have. We have provided a description of our design features on each sheet.
Finally, I would like to thank you once again for your trust in us. Please feel free to ask us any questions, seek guidance, support, or request changes and modifications in the design, if needed.
Best Regards,