
housing - small-apt

  • interior designer
  • ,
Project description

My idea for your home
I created a studio appartment by spliting the old livingroom in 2. The bathroom of the studio has been conected with the londryroom to make it larger. I also separated the studio from the main appartment by fiting a new door.
In the new appartment i tookdown the wall from the long coridor and also the wall betwen the livingroom and kichten. That helped create a large openspace living area. In one of the beedrooms i adeed a few closets in order to make it into a walkin closet, but also left some space for a gym. the bathroom and bedroom remained unchanged.
My advice for you is to change the flooring thruout the appartment with some light parquet, and try to keep the wall painting colurs as light as posible in order to let natural light spread throuout the space.
Thank you, hope you like my ideas

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