
housing - small-apt

  • architect
  • ,
Project description

Organization of Workspace for “500 Sturtups Office in Mountain View” according to the requirements, we are design to change orientation of seats, from a longitudinal extension, to the transversal
Because we are trying to able prevent the unwanted natural lighting in relation to the position of the seats. From this aspect is designed to orientation tables do not be in the transversal but in longitudinal.
Such an orientation provides an easy access through the workspace, and also facilitates the movement toward maximum employment space.
With this organization achieved its number required by the client for the number of seats.
The perimeter of the inner space are concentrated spaces and spaces necessary for meeting room and others. This enables the movement through the corridor that connects all working groups with other parts warehouse, phone and email space.
Meeting rooms are designed in a way that enables a comfort and a maximum silence during the meetings or another programs.
Table, chairs, ceiling, windows, and floor and another small things are the same. That was and the client minimum requirements.

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