housing - small-apt
The two spaces of the living room and the kitchen need to communicate to each other, so I created a semi-open window where there is an opening between the two spaces. This opening can be also closed using a glass divider, in order for the smells of the kitchen not passing through the living room. The kitchen table is located exactly behind the opening, and people sitting there can also have a clear view of the TV. The kitchen has a minimalist design in white. Red tiles are used for contrast. The walls are white but they can also be painted in grey as the living room, if one wants more contrast. Regarding the living room the big wall of 4.15m is dedicated to the home cinema, along with a small library. For relaxation, there is a big white corner sofa, while the rest of the space is left empty, for a minimalistic design. Three of the walls are dark grey (in contrast with the white furniture), while the one looking at the kitchen is white. For lighting, spot lights can be used everywhere, placed in a false ceiling. Along the hall before getting into the living room there are beams like false ceiling with spot lights above them. The atmosphere at the hall area is better when it is calm and darker than the living room, so less light can be used in order for the living room to be lightened even more when someone is going there.