housing - small-apt
In this project we create an internal pool as the center of the house between the living area and the sleeping area. One perimeter wall of the pool area is all in glass and can be completely open in the summer time. On top of the pool area there is a flat roof with a skylight that allows sun light to penetrate in any season of the year.
In the living room there is a big fireplace right in the center of the seating area.
Solar panel are placed on all the faces of the gamble roof to heat the swimming pool during the winter season.
For an industrial-style of the kitchen we suggest to visit "Minacciolo" web site that we really like: folhttp://www.archiproducts.com/en/products/106906/natural-skin-solid-wood-kitchen-natural-skin-home-minacciolo.html
I hope you will enjoy the project and if you like our proposal don't hesitate to contact us for any other informations or technical drawings.
Enjoy the project!