
Dear client,

We opted for a minimalist style with light gray and blue tones, creating contrasts between furniture. We have opted to create some unique spaces, such as the reading area in the window or the room of your future baby with armchair to embrace him.

We propose you a distribution that get the most out of the space.

We leave the entrance as free as possible, placing only one storage unit with four modules. It will be enough for coats and shoes.

In the living we decided to make a progression between kitchen - dining room - living room. In the kitchen we only propose to lengthen the bar to get to face two stools and allow you to have breakfast with comfort.

In the dining area it was a priority to ensure circulation in a comfortable way so the dining table is linked to the wall with a piece of furniture between it. The table has four seats and it's expandable to six.

The TV cabinet forms a shelf at the height of the lower part of the window. This will allow creating a reading area taking advantage of the depth of the window. The sofa is large and comfortable with chaise longue. It leans against another piece of furniture, more optional, that would allow you to store books, CDs …

Finally, in the main room we decided to place a built-in wardrobe, the bed and a small desk taking advantage of the window ledge. The room of your future son is quite neutral in terms of colors and furniture. We have opted for a range of gray and blue that will be consistent with the rest of the apartment.

Hope you like it as much as we do.