Bologna, Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy
Residenziale - Loft
Hi dear Clients,
The main idea of the proposal was create pure, open and functional space.
Interior is divided only by optical partition wall. Individual rooms are communicating together, however they preserve exact ammount of the privacy.
The space on layout is divided to the hall with a wardrobe (0.2), the functional kitchchen with a dining room (0.1), atelier and the working space (0.3) near the entrance. This solution allows the communication between you and potentional client. So the client do not have acces to the private part of your apartment.
Main part of the flat is huge living room (0.4) with atelier in the middle of disposition. Bedroom (0.5) with a wardrobe is situated right behind the optical wall at the and of the disposition, for keeping a privacy.
Over the bedroom is a mezzanine (1.1), wich can be used as children´s playroom or as place for relax with an attractive view to the whole apartment.
In the interior are used simple colors and natural materials, they allow you to create your “own home“ with accessories and decorations.
Enough storage preserves the idea of pure space. Simplicity of the interior is giving finish touch to in-build minimalist furniture.
Best regards