we have just purchased our new home . we will NOT do masonry work , but we will change the 1970 floor in the bedroom , to make it the same of the living room. We will make up both the bathrooms and we would like to turn the spiral staircase that goes to the terrace in a ramp -scale but it will have to be done in order to get out of the same spot where now the spiral scale exits , that is, inside the enclosed veranda . The kitchen will remain for now as it is, also the forniture ( the old tenants have left it) . In the dining room , the only constraint is that on the left wall we will put our library which is 4.20 meters long , and near the sofas (which we do have not, we have to buy ) there must be also two red frau armchairs whose picture is published in the pictures. We might also consider the opportunity to also change the interior doors . The furniture that you see in the map are those existing at the time of the former owner , not ours.