Esperienze lavorative
Architecture Professional
Samuele Tornesi Architect
Dec 2010 / Dec 2012
http://www.linkedin.com/pub/samuele-tornesi/45/9b5/447http://digilander.libero.it/samuele.tornesi/DIVIDED REUNION_feasibility study, preliminary design and perfunctory preventive of a hayloft renovation, Monticiano, Siena, 2011, interior design and external plan, including solarium, swimming pool and resede, design of a garage with integrated photovoltaic system, complementary 3d modelling plan, study of the works finalized to the building structural consolidation and redevelopment;SAILING_final and detailed design of tensile structure gazebos for an agriturismo, Monteriggioni, Siena;OBSESSION_interior design of a residential building using an integrated concept of materials and surfaces, Albania 2013;SCRAP INTERIORS_feasibility study, preliminary, detailed design and perfunctory preventive of an old apartment renovation, Siena 2013. Demolitions of the incoerent elements of the building, as false ceilings and brick and plaster walls, to revitalize the original ones, as the hip roof, old stone and brick walls. Then, creation of a loft space using continuing half-height wall units, light suspensions and white awnings.BLACK ARMS, WHITE HIGHWAY_feasibility study, preliminary, detailed design and perfunctory preventive of a 90's apartment renovation, Siena 2013.EVANESCENCE_final and detailed design of tensile structure gazebos for a restaurant in Chianti, Castelnuovo Berardenga, 2013.
project Architect
CJA Studio, Gaiole in Chianti, Siena
Dec 2011 / May 2013
_Renovation of a tower situated in proximity to Gaiole in Chianti: feasibility study, relationship management with qualified firms, draft of an ambiental valutation, recovery planning, architectural survey, preliminary and final design, technical details design, green roofing, 3D modelling, digital enhancement;_Project of a glass and steel solarium as an extension of a building situated in Radda in Chianti: feasibility study, preliminary design, 3D modelling, digital enhancement;_Renovation and exterior design of a storage situated in proximity to Gaiole in Chianti: feasibility study, preliminary design of the resede, swimming pool and pergola, 3D modelling, digital enhancement, technical design of roof, floors and external walls, interior design;_Project of a winery situated in proximity to Gaiole in Chianti: final and detailed design starting from a pre-existent project, technical details design for the final works: green roofing, external and internal walls, heat insulation and brise-soleil curtain wall. Relationship management with qualified firms in order to realize green roofing, curtain wall, floors and surface finishing. Costs management, draft of a dossier addressed to the competent municipality. Management and coordination of the final works concerning the architectural part of the building;_Villa in Gaiole in Chianti: technical design and assistance in coordination of the final works concerning the architectural part of the building, work in progress decisions, final and detailed design starting from the pre-existent project, technical details design for the final works. Costs management, draft of dossier addressed to the competent municipality;
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