Novi Sad, Serbia
Commerciale - Altro
Nenad Nasifovic
Architectural heritage has always represented one of the interesting topics of design, especially when it comes to its renovation, revitalization and adaptation to new circumstances and depending on the wishes and needs of the investor. Facilities of former warehouses or similar functions, are either completely neglected or have found a new role of public space today. One of the negative characteristics of Serbia and its regions, as compared to Western countries, it is poverty, so it is more urgent to restore old buildings than to design new ones. The theme is an architectural mixed use project, which aims at promoting and unifying, from initial to final stage, a healthy nutrition, which is based on traditional Serbian cuisine. The new purpose of the building is implemented revitalization of the Czech warehouse in Novi Sad, near Chinatown, if not now, then in the near or distant future multicultural center. Primarily attention was paid to trade in foodstuffs and ready meals and catering functions, as well as space for basic vegetable crops that are growing in the region. Each segment space can function separately, but at the same time and interaction can form a new user needs. The idea is to raise awareness that we live in a space characterized by very good and quality land. Its use can get quality ingredients necessary to meet the needs of a healthy diet, which in various ways may require many functions, but the goal is to unite in a common environment.