Pietra Ligure SV, Italy
business - small-office
After 10 years we want to redesign our open space.
Our office is on 2 levels, upstairs there's the meeting room full of windows and light, downstairs is the "working area" with little natural light. The meetin room has cristal flooring so light can go also in the basement.
As you can see in the pictures in 2006 we opted for bright color with resin flooring, and no real desk but built into the wall, so all the 6 working positions were face to the wall.
On the back we've a small office, toilet with shower (never used) and a kitchen corner.
What we do
We're a web company with 500+ active clients, and we publish one online newspaper. (edinet.info, ivg.it)
In the office works every day 6 persons
What we will do
We'll demolish everything so it'll be a white paper for you to design
What we need and what we want.
Real working desk and at least 7 (comfortable) computer position
No dark color but no white walls, and new flooring (just no real wood), there must be 2 large screen tvs on walls
For the backoffice we'll invert position of toilet (that will be smaller) and kitchen corner (rip.) with archive
Archive has to become a proper office with one working position.
For "kitchen corner" we have a small fridge, a microwave, a sink and a closed shelf.
Gopillar 2024 – Tutti i diritti riservati
Realizzato da Cocontest
Via Marsala, 29H – 00185 Roma
P.I. 13547621006