Orly, France
Residenziale - Appartamento
Dear Client,
This project was very chalenging in order to give all the rooms for both apartments with enough space that you requested since the area of the floor is only something about 60 m2. My main goal was to give the visual opennes to the both flats using different types of furniture-both from the stores and also a custom made in order to make the most of the space useful. The both apartments have mostly the similar organisation althou thay are not the same. They consist of main living area and of separated bedroom area. In the apartment no. 1 living area is made of living, kitchen an dining are all in one space/room, but the small kitchen can be easily separated with MDF door, custom made. Bedroom is a very small room in order to give the most space to the living zone. The acces to bedroom is provided by two sliding doors, in order to provide two separate acces to the bed (like the beds that are put sideways to one wall and have only one acces to the bed).
In the apartment no.2 kitchen has a better position and a bigger area, but that is derived from the specific space. So it was much easyer to divide it from the rest of the apartment. The rest of the apartment is almost the same as the apartment no. 1.
I hope you will like my work and that I managed to answer to your needs.
Best regards