
housing - small-apt

  • architect
  • ,
Descrizione Progetto

First idea definitely was to create an interesting space for working and creating. In order to divide the space in business and servicing part, on the drawing of the first solution you can see level and material difference, in the second one just the material difference. I'll describe now the first solution. So, in the delevelled part of the space, idea is to project the big office with sofa meeting area, small office and working area,that with special and precise furniture choise, can may become also an conferese room. For the showroom and, at the same place, dark room (with pulling a dark curtains) I decided to use the space right from the stairs area. Idea is to attache elements, that you want to show or photograph, directli on the walls with small stamped card with explenation beside. I used the old tpilet area for the new one, recostructing a bit and making an area bigger so it can serve 8-10 people. On the left side of the same battery I decided to put a coffee break area, with pair of chairs, sink,stove and small fridge. In order to freshen up a bit I used lime green colore for toilets and coffee area. Dividing walls are madeof glass, except the walls in toilet and one between small and big office that is made of plywood or plaster. Delevelled area is made of light steel/aluminium construction with hard wood floor made in the same manner as walls. The wall in the Delevelled area that is without windows is filed with bookshelfs, and the wall with windows on the left side I filed up with pantries and closed it with plywood overlaid with same hard wood that I used for the floors and rest of the walls. The walls on the stairs ant toilet area are painted in black with the possibility to write on it with chalk and create new amazing ideas and concepts. On the glass walls you can find motivational messages, everythig in order to get the best out of employees.

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