Residenziale - Appartamento
Dear client,
Thank you for the opportunity to design your space.
We designed the Electronics Design Studio space considering the dimension of the room as 11' x 46', but we strongly recommend that you increase the width of the room to 13' in order to accommodate a larger corridor.
In our proposal we are offering two options as far as placing the eight workbenches (60"width x 36"deep). The first (on the north part of our drawing) with the furniture against the wall and the corridor in the middle. The second (on the south part of our drawing) with the furniture in the middle and corridors on the two sides. The first option present the advantage to have a larger singular corridor and the second option has two narrower corridors but has the possibility to use the wall to position white boards and wall mounted glass panels for taking notes and share comments.
For the workbench we contacted two company in New England to have an estimate on the price. The architecture design alliance ( and the New England Lab ( and their price for each work station is between $1,500.00 and $3,000.00 dependent on the finishes and fittings (quantity of shelves, lights, etc.) that you want to add.
In our renders, we used the following colors on the fixtures and furniture: red (bricks, door trims, art prints, chairs..) grey (metallic shelves, work stations, furnitures, art prints) and ash wood (floor, finishes of the workbenches, doors...).
We have incorporated bricks for the long walls to give an industrial look as you requested and giant art prints (circuit board) for the short walls. If you want to reduce cost you could do only the new wall in red bricks and paint the existing wall in light grey or in red.
The theme that we are proposing incorporates minimalism with industrial design. For the decoration we displayed circuit boards on the walls and steel vintage letters (Electronic Design) in your companies font, giving the space importance, flexibility and professionalism.
We displayed low voltage cable lighting above work stations for working with small components and you can add additional lighting on the shelves of the work stations.
We hope you will enjoy our project!